Finding my way back to here

No more writing hiatus

April Marie Carr
1 min readFeb 17, 2021

It has been many months since I have written here on Medium, my writing somewhat fell off the wagon it seems. But I recently sat down and started putting pen to paper again, as I take on A Year of Writing to Uncover my Authentic Self course. Thank goodness for daily om website, the universe dropped me a sign and I listened. Thus far, the writing journey has uncovered several topics that have long since been buried in my subconscious mind, intendedly to never see the light of day again. But there I was uncovering the bones of my past, sorting through it, and really letting some of it go as the ink dried on the paper. I hope it continues to be the way to release that which does not serve my soul purpose, it is quite a freeing experience.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” — Maya Angelou

As I journey back to writing and publishing poetry, I plan to really just let it flow through me, from mind and heart to pen meets paper. That in itself is exciting because its the way I’ve yearned to write my poetic stories, without limitations of the opinions of friends and family, without the pressure of societal expectation.

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” -RUMI

-love yourself, live unashamed, be a blessing- April Carr



April Marie Carr

Published Poet-Mama Bear Proud-Spiritual- Practicing Meditation & Mindfulness-Learning to live with CPTSD